So you just purchased a blank engraved leather journal or received one as a gift? Great! You might also have found an old blank notebook lying around the house.
This is great news, because you have been presented with a blank slate with endless opportunities, as there are a number of things you can do with a blank leather journal, and the list goes an on. It also doesn’t who you are, what you do, or what your interests are; there is always something you can use a blank leather journal for.
Here are some of the uses of a blank leather journal:
1. Start a journal for new languages:
Once you decide to learn a new language (whether it’s Spanish, Egyptian hieroglyphs or French), a language journal is great for you.
You can use it to jot down grammar and vocabulary as you learn them, and this will help you have a better grasp of them as time goes on.
An interesting thing to note is that a lot of vocabulary guides and dictionaries started inside someone’s journal.
2. Start keeping a fitness journal:
Are you a fitness nut, or are you just getting started on your fitness journey? Either way, you definitely need somewhere to keep track of your goals, and daily achievements – how far you walked, how much you ran, how much water you drank, and all other things. Rereading these notes can serve you an inspiration in the future.
3. Keep track of your life story:
A lot of famous and inspirational people have kept detailed records of their lives over time, and have later published memoirs or autobiographies.
You can start by gathering a number of prompts that act as inspiration for you to look back and reflect upon your life. Later, use you blank leather journal to write the story of your life.
Life prompts include but are not limited to questions like, “what are your favorite memories from high school?” and “what is the origin and meaning of your name?”
4. Write down your most loved and most inspiring quotes:
Quotes are a great source of inspiration and amazing motivators. Once you come across a quote that speaks to you or motivates you to be better, be sure to write it down in your journal, and turn it to it anytime you need a little push.
A person who got so good at collecting quotes is Robert Byrne. He got so good that he later released a book of quotes titled “The Best Things Anybody Ever Said”
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5. Take note of your tarot readings or astrological horoscope every day:
If you believe in astrology and you see it as a way to communicate with your inner self, then a leather journal is an awesome way to keep track of your daily tarot readings.
When you use your leather journal to keep track of this every day, you begin to notice the trends and how they relate to the happenings in your life.
6. Record your Earnings and Spending:
You can become more financially responsible thanks to your leather journal. It doesn’t matter if it’s your personal finances or your small business finances; a leather journal will help you keep track of your daily, weekly, and annual revenue and expenditure.
You will begin to notice trends in your spending, and might even cut off things are unnecessary from your budget.
7. Create your own bucket list: A bucket list is a list of things people want to do before they die. If you have any activity at all which you feel you must do at least once in your lifetime, feel free to write in your bucket list.
Some bucket lists contain thousands of items, so feel free to add as many things as you want, and when you do it, tick or cross it off. It gives you an added sense of accomplishment.
8. A reflection journal:
A journal would be a great place to relax and reflect at the end of every day or week.
The things you can reflect on include: the people and things you can come across every day, your feelings and thoughts, what makes you happy, what you makes you smile, cry, laugh, and what makes you sad, the things that make you curious, the problems and challenges you come across every day and the solutions you can find to them.
9. Keep a journal for your goals:
There are a number of tools that you need in order to achieve success, and one of them is an immaculate record of your goals. By doing this, you can also add a timeline which you hope to use to achieve your goals.
10. Things you’ve done, loved, and which you’ll love to try again:
If you have any activity which you have done in the past, and really loved, then you can always take note of it in a journal, and always try it again. It might be a trip you loved, wine you tasted, a ride at the park which you loved, or anything else at all.
11. A record of things you learn every day:
Learning is not only limited to schools, classrooms, online classes, or from documentaries. New things can be learnt every day, and where is a better place to jot them down than your personal leather journal.
12. An art journal:
This is a great way to use a new leather journal. You can use it for your little doodles, sketches, and you can also get clipping you like from newspapers and magazines and paste them in your articles.
13. Bullet journal:
You can also use an empty notebook as a bullet journal and keep a list of restaurants you want to visit, TV shows you want to watch, and books you want to read.
There you have it, you have a virtually endless opportunity pool when you hold an empty leather journal in your hands. If you do not have one, you can always get a new leather journal and open up a world of possibilities.